Privacy and Cookie Policy

Your privacy is important to us

We take our responsibilities for securing any information you provide to us extremely seriously. To support our current Data Security procedures, we have enhanced our systems further as an extension to our Treating Customers Fairly initiative and now provide our clients with this Privacy Statement (sometimes referred to as a Fair Processing Notice), which forms part of Kellands Hale Limited Client Agreement.

The proper treatment of personal data is very important to successful transactions as well as ensuring customer satisfaction. Any personal data which we collect, record or use in any way, whether it is held on paper, on computer or other media will comply with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. Building on our Data Security Policies and Procedures to fully support the Data Protection Act 1998 and its subsequent addendums we have now further developed these to meet the more stringent requirements of GDPR 2018. The main principles that govern the collection, treatment and nature of personal data are:

  • Information will be processed fairly and lawfully
  • Information will be processed for the specific purpose or purposes for which it was provided
  • Information gathered is adequate, relevant and not excessive
  • The information will be kept up to date and maintained as valid and fit for purpose
  • Information will not be kept for longer than is necessary
  • Information is processed in accordance with the client’s rights
  • Information is kept secure be that in physical or electronic form and where information is transferred internationally this shall be safeguarded by the Privacy Shield agreement and not to any country which does not have adequate data protection laws

What information do we collect?

Kellands Hale Limited may need to collect and use personal data in order to recommend, advise and transact your requests effectively. Details such as name, date of birth, address, and contact numbers are generally required as a minimum. However, in most cases and depending on the type and level of advice you require, we will require more detailed information; for example: details of current status; circumstances; financial position; healthmedical records. All of which will be obtained and noted on a client questionnaire or fact find.

If you believe information we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, please write or e-mail us as soon as possible at the address given below. We will correct or update any information as soon as possible.

What do we do with the information we collect?

The information will be held on computer and/or paper files, in accordance with the GDPR 2018 and any subsequent amendments thereto.

We hold this information for the following reasons:

  • So we may assess your needs and make suitable advice and recommendations
  • So we may monitor your situation and provide advice in the future
  • Retain appropriate records
  • For Auditing purposes and Compliance with our Regulator (The Financial Conduct Authority)
  • Effective customer servicing
  • Monitoring and administrative purposes
  • Management information to measure quality and controls of business, whilst striving to improve customer service levels
  • The Financial Conduct Authority rules state we must retain all records for a minimum of 5 years and sometimes indefinitely in certain circumstances.

Whom do we share this information with?

We may need to share your information; for the purposes of processing your application and ongoing administration of your investment, policy or mortgage with: Product providers; insurance companies; mortgage lenders; credit reference agencies; medical personnel, joint policyholders/trustees, solicitor/accountant/conveyancer etc associated with your policy; Auditors, Compliance advisers, The Financial Conduct Authority, The Financial Ombudsman Service, The Financial Services Compensation Scheme, or other companies/organisations as required by Law.

Some third parties listed above, may administer your information and provide services, from centres in countries outside of Europe (such as India and the USA) that do not always have the same standard of data protection law as the UK. However, they are required to put a contract in place to ensure that your information is adequately protected, and they will remain bound by their obligations under those contracts and applicable international data protection agreements and regulations even when your personal information is processed outside Europe.

What is our Lawful Basis?

There are six categories for lawful basis when requesting personal data from clients. When we request client data we first gain consent from our clients to allow us to do so for the purpose of providing high quality advice. We can only provide our service by obtaining sufficient data to gain full understanding of our client’s needs and aspirations. By signing to allow us consent to your data you have given us clear and concise consent to your specific data for the sole purpose of providing you quality holistic financial advice.

How and when we will communicate with you?

We may also use this information to contact you in the future. Such as to provide you with investment/policy reviews, ongoing advice and recommendations or other information, which we feel may be of benefit to you. We may communicate with you now and in the future by means of telephone, post, email or fax. Before we can set up any method of dialogue between us you must provide us with your written consent that this arrangement is acceptable to you. You may cancel our arrangement or amend it at any time by contacting Kellands Hale Ltd at the address below. Any request to cancel or amend this arrangement will be dealt with within 28 working days of receipt of your request.

Email Disclaimer

This is an email from Kellands (Hale) Ltd. The information contained in this message may be confidential or legally privileged information specific to the intended recipient. We apologise if you have received this in error and ask that you do not use, distribute or copy the information contained within and request that you notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete the message. Any views or opinions presented are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Kellands (Hale) Limited. Kellands (Hale) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England No. 3769844, Registered Office: 198 Ashley Road, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire WA15 9SN.

Corresponding with You and a Partner

Where you and your wife/husband/partner are both clients of Kellands Hale Limited, we will usually correspond with you as one, i.e., in the same report, letter, valuation, etc. If now, or at any stage in the future, you want us to correspond separately, please confirm in writing (email is not sufficient in this circumstance) to our Compliance Officer, address as below. Please note that any changes you wish to make to the way we hold your data must be requested by all parties.

How to get copies of, or amend the information we have collected

You may request details of personal information, which we hold about you under the GDPR 2018. There will be no fee payable for this service in the majority of instances but for larger more detailed requests a nominal fee could be charged. If you would like a copy of the information that we hold relating to you please contact our Compliance Officer, address as below.

Withdrawing your Consent

Your consent to this information being held and/or processed, may be withdrawn at any time by contacting our Compliance Officer, address as below. This will be dealt with within 28 working days.


We also collect information from you on our website by using cookies. Cookies are widely used to help make websites work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to website owners. For further information, check out or

Cookies collect limited personal information to track your use of our website and to compile statistical reports on your website activity. For example, we use functional cookies which store your cookie preferences and allow you to use forms. You cannot be identified individually by the data collected. We also use analytical/performance cookies so we can recognise both new and returning visitors and their movements around the website. Once again, you cannot be identified individually by the data collected.

You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the websites referred to above show you how you can remove cookies from your browser. However, restricting cookies may affect your experience as well as the functionality of our website.

Contacting Kellands Hale Ltd in regards to Data Protection

Please address all correspondence relating to Data Security Issues at Kellands Hale Limited to:

The Compliance Officer, Kellands Hale Limited, 198 Ashley Road, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire WA15 9SN

Tel 0161 929 8838                             Email

In the event of a complaint, what do I do?

If at any time you feel that your data has been used or exposed to risk and we have not resolved this to your satisfaction you are free to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Details of how to contact the ICO is available on the website

Would you like to know more about The General Data Protection Regulation 2018?

For more information on Data Protection please contact The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

Full details on ways to contact them are available on their website